Sunset Overdrive – Xbox One
Sunset Overdrive is set in the fictional American metropolis Sunset City. The story begins when a resident mega-corporation, Fizzco, hosts a massive release party for its hot new energy drink: Overcharge Delirium XT.
But…the beverage was rushed to market. Profit first! Most of Sunset City is transformed into an array of various mutants, also called the “OD’d”. The city is quarantined and morphs into a chaotic, mutant-infested Awesomepocalypse. Soon, you realize a life of playing videogames, watching action movies, and reading comic books has given you the tools to become the hero Sunset City desperately needs.
Eight-player cooperative online action
Sunset Overdrive lets you and up to seven other players team up on Xbox Live in an action-packed online mode called “Chaos Squad.” Players join together to cause havoc throughout the city, voting on a series of missions with a risk-reward mechanic. Do they boost the Chaos level of the city, increasing both the difficulty and the potential rewards? Or do they take a team power-up, sacrificing some rewards to make things easier?
Culminating in a cooperative version of Night Defense, successful players unlock big rewards including in-game cash, Overcharge, crafting recipes, new weapons and vanity items. The seamless transition between the campaign and Chaos Squad lets you keep your newfound winnings across all game modes. Powered by Xbox Live, Chaos Squad lets you switch from campaign to online multiplayer and back virtually instantly.
Two-way communication and dynamic updates
Sunset Overdrive will bring a new level of community interaction. New events and content will be introduced into the game at regular intervals post-launch, and players will have the opportunity to determine items they can earn permanently in subsequent updates.3 Sunset TV, a weekly show that streams inside of Sunset City, will also bring the voice of the developer into the game on a continuous basis, and player feedback will shape the long-term evolution of Sunset City.
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